Tuesday, July 16, 2019

On Trump, False Equivalencies and Faustian Bargains

People who support Trump seem to be in two camps – (1) those that give him full-throated support and defend him on all levels and (2) those that like his policies but are uncomfortable with his personality and behavior in varying degrees.

Both groups engage to some extent in defending Trump based on the premise that his antics and character flaws are not significantly different than those of other politicians from both parties – the notion of ‘equivalency’.  For example, his sexual predation is seen as equivalent to Bill Clinton’s or JFK’s.  His lying is seen as a typical characteristic of politicians and is compared to the perceived lies of Hillary Clinton and even Barack Obama.

I believe these are false equivalencies and that a careful evaluation of the number and nature of Trump’s lies and sexual predations puts him in a different and much more troubling category than other politicians or public figures.

Some of his most alarming character traits are unique to Trump and it is difficult to argue that equivalent or even similar traits exist in other politicians.  His incessant, almost comic bragging is one of these.  What kind of person does this?  Confidence is often seen as an American attribute, but I have never heard a public figure boast with such a complete lack of humility and in such juvenile language.  There can be no doubt that Trump’s constant crowing about his accomplishments is an indication of a deep and pathological insecurity or some other disconcerting psychological disorder.

A second trait that is similarly disturbing is his confrontational, thin-skinned style of interacting with political adversaries.  It is clear that Trump has brought a level of incivility to the political life of this nation that is deeply corrosive.  The mirror reflection of this bellicose posture to his adversaries is the sycophantic, servile pandering that he requires and receives from his underlings and supporters.  One asks again, what kind of person is this who feels compelled to lash out so viciously at every perceived slight or criticism?

A third characteristic that is perhaps the most chilling is Trump’s willingness to tap and even inflame the worst prejudices in American society – racism, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny, religious fundamentalism – and enlist these dark forces in support of his agenda.  Is it not almost incomprehensible that the man who popularized and weaponized the ‘Birther’ movement, a transparently racist effort to de-legitimize Barack Obama's presidency, is now the President of the United States?!

The group of Trump supporters that support his policies but voice some misgivings about his style bemoan these more egregious examples of his character flaws but are willing to overlook them or to rationalize them as necessary evils on the road to more productive policies that they believe he has initiated.  They theorize that liberals would be similarly willing to overlook personality aberrations in their leaders if liberal policies would result.

It is true that partisanship is a very powerful drug and can easily blind one.  But I would argue that Trump’s behavior is so far beyond the pale that to brush it aside as inconsequential or manageable is a very dangerous and reckless act – the very essence of a Faustian bargain.  We are trading unknown but potentially catastrophic future consequences – diplomatic crises, trade war effects, civil unrest, general degradation of the political process – for short term policy results.

I know that many Trump supporters of the first group believe that our society is locked in an apocalyptic battle of the Godless versus the God-fearing, the moral versus the immoral, the capitalists versus the socialists, the grateful patriots versus the ungrateful America-haters.  They see Trump as an epic figure that is finally speaking the truth and willing to play hard ball if necessary to save the nation.

This is a sad and thankfully small percentage of America, but it has an outsized influence because of its kingmaker political clout and its zealous and energetic advocacy.  They will do everything possible to ensure that Trump remains in office.  If the good citizens and better Angels in our society do not recognize the nature of the Faustian bargain that we have struck then these hard-liners will have their way and will push us ever closer to the brink of their apocalyptic fantasies.

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