As I watch the Trump/Musk plutocracy conduct a cruel and chaotic mass firing of government employees and threaten and blackmail other nations, I feel heartsick and horribly disappointed at how life often seems to reward the worst people with power, wealth and fame.
Donald Trump and Elon Musk are both profoundly impaired human beings. They lack empathy, they are emotionally immature, they are grotesquely vain and narcissistic, and they are frighteningly vindictive. Both Musk and Trump seem to be trapped in an endless adolescence.
Their business success is probably at least partially due to these pathological traits, which is a very sad and depressing fact. The history of human endeavor is replete with examples of people with horrific flaws wielding tremendous power and causing mayhem and tragedy.
Both Trump and Musk achieved wealth through audacious, risk-taking ventures. Trump was never seen as a great genius, but his massive accumulation of wealth made him a celebrity in a nation that worships the rich. His unscrupulous character and hardball business ethics were well known from the start, but he, like so many of the rich, was never called to account for the way he did business. The only thing that mattered was that it succeeded.
Musk, on the other hand, was idolized early on for his technical acumen and his apparently visionary commitment to a world of electric vehicles and space adventure. He cast himself as the planet’s savior from climate change and the world swooned in admiration. A closer look at his business trajectory poses many questions as to how much of this hero myth was self-generated after clever appropriation of other businesses and their already well-developed strategies.
But now the true character of both men has come into stark relief. With the unbridled glee of a spoiled eight-year-old torturing a cat, Musk revels in wreaking havoc in real people’s lives. He seems to experience a diabolical joy in the fear and heartbreak that his DOGE goons have inflicted on tens of thousands of dedicated government employees. And Trump stands behind him, sneering proudly – “this is my son, with him I am well pleased”.
Yes, it is a sad truth that bad people will often have their way in this world. I find it highly dispiriting, but I know from history that their success is not the end of the story. Justice will not necessarily be served directly to Trump or Musk. Trump may keel over from a fast food induced heart attack before he experiences any sort of consequences for his actions. But good people will rise and the pendulum will eventually swing away from the red zone of the Trump/Musk villainy. I just wish it were more like the movies and the bad guys got their punishment quickly and we got to see it happen. Sigh.